Please support the League of Friends
Donations to the League of Friends can be made in these ways:
- Cheque – made out to ‘The League of Friends of Buckingham Hospital’. Send to The Treasurer, The League of Friends of Buckingham Hospital, High Street, Buckingham MK18 1NU, or placed in the League of Friends box at the Hospital.
- Bank transfer to:
Account name:
Sort code:
Account number:
League of Friends Buckingham Hospital
40 15 33
- Standing order – either by completing a form at your bank or through online banking if you have it, using the bank details above, and informing the Treasurer accordingly.
Become a friend
If you donate £5.00 or more per annum, we would be delighted to add you to our growing number of Friends.
We will send you our annual newsletter, inform you of any activities and invite you to our AGM. Just fill in your details on our Friends and gift aid form and either return it online or to The Treasurer, The League of Friends of Buckingham Hospital, High Street, Buckingham MK18 1NU.
Gift aid
Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate.
Because the League is a registered charity, if you are a UK taxpayer Gift Aid can boost your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate. For a Gift Aid Declaration please fill in your details on our Friends and gift aid form and either return it online or to The Treasurer, The League of Friends of Buckingham Hospital, High Street, Buckingham MK18 1NU.
Over the years The League of Friends of Buckingham Hospital has benefited from a number of generous legacies and is especially grateful to those who are able to remember it in their will.